Education,Electronics,Entertainment,Projects,Tutorial August 30, 2013 at 10:14

Singapore Cosplay Special Effects

In Singapore, Cosplay’s popularity is on the rise especially in the last couple of years. The costumes made by many enthusiasts are getting more and more elaborate and grand. These creations and costumes could be improved with special effects using electronics, some of which are shown in the following videos.


The iron man helmet has a movable face-plate and matching LED lights.

The wearer toggles between opening and closing of the face-plate by pressing a hand-held button switch. The switching mechanism could be improved further, eliminating the use of a hand-held switch, by sensing the jerking movement of the head. The LED lights turn on when the face-plate closes and turn off when the face-plate opens.


The R-Dash 5000 helmet has a running LED light effect commonly called the ‘Knight Rider’ effect.

The following video shows audio effects

Please visit our on-line store for these electronics and more. Email to us at if you have any queries or ideas you wishes to realise.

Have a great time at the Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention 2013 (STGCC) this weekend.



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